Why ConsuVeilig

Webwinkelkeur powered by Consuveilig has been committed for years to a reliable and secure internet. We are unique and the only quality mark that is suitable for all types of websites. Webwinkelkeurmerk shows that your website is reliable and works conversion-enhancing. The Webwinkelkeur mark is there for every company, from web shop to service provider.

Did you know that? A website affiliated with a quality mark achieves 90% more consumer confidence? In addition, three in four consumers indicate that they would rather purchase at a website with a quality mark.
Why would you choose us?

An official quality mark
Low fixed contribution of € 5.95 p / m
Mention on www.webwinkelkeurmerk.nl
A unique personal page
Better visible for consumers
Register 6 webshops
Free legal website inspection and advice